
  • The Chair will annually appoint a Selection Committee. The Chair may also serve on the committee. The Committee will consist of a minimum of three AIDC Board members, but no more than five. The Selection Committee will present its recommendations to the full Board of Directors for discussion and approval.
  • The Selection Committee will consider individuals and organizations who have had a positive impact on Women’s Business Enterprises and Women’s Business Development. The Committee will consider geographic diversity in order to continue to expand the Hall of Fame to national prominence.
  • The Selection Committee and Board of Directors will maintain flexibility on the number of annual awards and any special awards.
  • The Selection Committee will reach out to organizations and individuals that have a proven positive impact on women.

Areas of Consideration for Nominees

  • Nominees have a long term commitment and demonstrated record of specific and tangible results supporting the progress of women in business and the community.
  • Nominees have provided leadership in companies, groups, teams and/or organizations supporting women.
  • Nominees have been recognized by their peers as a leader in the support of women, and have a clear emphasis on diversity.
  • Nominees have generated, by long-term example, leadership, and participation quantifiable contributions through people, companies, resources and support.
  • ALL Four Areas of Consideration For Nominees must be addressed.

Other Requirements

  • If selected, nominees must attend the annual WBE Hall of Fame event and consider ongoing support of the WBE Hall of Fame and its programs.
  • Nominations are due on or before 5pm on October 2, 2020