Avis Budget Group

Corporate Leadership

Jeannine Haas (left), chief marketing officer, Avis Budget Group, accepts Avis Budget Group’s WBE Hall of Fame award in the Corporate Trailblazer catergory, presented by Gloria Tostado, community relations manager for General Motors Corporation.
Avis Budget Group Inc. Chairman and CEO Ronald L. Davis has placed strategic importance on doing business with WBEs believing they help strengthen the company’s supply base and are a vital component of its success. The company maintains a robust program to promote the growth and development of WBEs and encourages their participation in its opportunities. In addition, Davis prefers to partner with companies that also view women suppliers as essential to success. Avis Budget Group has supported the Women’s Business Enterprise National Council since the organization was founded 15 years ago and has been listed among WBENC’s list of America’s Top Corporations for Women’s Business Enterprises for 12 years in a row.

United Parcel Service

Corporate Leadership

Kathy Homeyer (left), supplier diversity director, UPS, accepts UPS’s WBE Hall of Fame award in the Corporate Leadership catergory, presented by Bob Ontiveros, chairman and founder, Group O Companies.
United Parcel Service of America Inc. Named by WBENC as one of America’s Top Corporations for Women’s Business Enterprises for 13 consecutive years, UPS’s supplier diversity program was formally launched in 1992, and in 2011, spent $780 million with diverse suppliers. As part of its diversity initiatives, the company ensures that women are encouraged to bring their best efforts to UPS. Under chairman and CEO Scott Davis’s direction, UPS has increased WBE spend in many areas, such as legal services, marketing and human resources — in addition to enhancing inclusive franchisee opportunities. More

Jessica Narvaez and Cary Broussard

Corporate Leadership

Jessica Narvaez, executive director, Pinnacle Technical Resources; and Cary Broussard, national partner, WIPP.
Women Impacting Public Policy Inc. is the nation’s leading nonpartisan public policy organization that advocates on behalf of 4.7 million businesswomen, including 75 business organizations, in the legislative processes of our nation, creating economic opportunities and building bridges and alliances to other small business organizations. Established in 2001, WIPP takes the issues that directly affect women business owners to the U.S. Congress, the White House and federal and state agencies in order to advocate for legislation that beneficially impacts business development. WIPP’s initiatives offer an extensive array of educational resources to help WBEs excel at every level.